
June 2018

TEXAID in the media: Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)

On Monday 25th June 2018, RTS ran a report on the subject of Fast Fashion and asked TEXAID about the latest challenges in textile recycling.

Listen to the RTS radio piece (in French)

TEXAID at the Western Switzerland Forum

A forum organized by Swiss Recycling and dealing with the subject of «Recycling» is being held for the first time today in western Switzerland. TEXAID is there too, providing information about its used textile recycling activities.

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CHF 7.8 million for charity projects and a further reduction in CO2

TEXAID Textilverwertungs-AG has brought its latest financial year to another successful close. The amount of money donated to charitable organisations, the continued reduction in CO2 and the in-creased commitment to research projects and associations are all particular points of pride.

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In the Zollikofen region, various TEXAID used-clothing containers collect second-hand clothes, the proceeds of which go towards the foundation for blind and visually impaired children and young people. TEXAID generates funds through the sale of second-hand clothes. These funds go to its six participating aid agencies, as well as to numerous regional organisations. The foundation for blind and visually impaired children and young people is one such organisation.

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Linguadukt – Intercultural Interpreting Service

TEXAID raises money for charity via the sale of textiles. This money goes towards funding social projects in Switzerland and abroad.

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