
August 2019

Terre des Hommes - Innovation space FabLab

TEXAID has been supporting the projects of Terre des Hommes for many years. Numerous used clothes bins all over Switzerland are used to collect to the benefit of the child welfare organisation and are provided with the respective logo. TEXAID generates funds from the sale of the used clothes, which it pays to Terre des Hommes, as well as to the six involved aid organisations.

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TEXAID at Swiss Textiles' Innovation Day

Swiss Textiles' Innovation Day will take place in Dübendorf on 22 August 2019. The event is the setting for the latest technical developments in the textile industry. TEXAID is also actively involved in the event.

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Raising awareness for environmental issues through play

COSEDEC, a company based in western Switzerland, is committed to raising awareness for environmental issues in schools and among the general public. They develop community games to raise awareness for environmental issues for various types of events. The "Fashion Détox" game was developed with the support of TEXAID.

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