The feature aired on French-speaking Swiss television channel RTS on 30 November 2014 investigates the recycling of used textiles by various collection organizations...
The «Schweizweit» (across Switzerland) programme on 3sat/SRF featured a portrait of the work of TEXAID for viewers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at 3.45 p.m. on Saturday 11 October 2014 (first broadcast). You can catch up on the programme at
The labels on TEXAID containers have been given a gentle facelift. Easily comprehensible pictograms now inform people about the types of textiles that can be recycled, provided that they are in a...
In 2013, TEXAID achieved a record result with exactly 35,004,722 kg. This equates to an increase of 804 tonnes or 2.35 percent compared to the previous year...
With the founding of TEXAID in 1978, the six aid organizations Swiss Red Cross, Caritas Switzerland, Winter Aid Switzerland, Solidar Suisse, HEKS, and Kolping Switzerland created a unique business model – the partnership...