Fourth award of the Swiss Climate CO2 Label
The CO2 Neutral Label has been awarded TEXAID for the fourth time at the third Soirée Climatique of Swiss Climate.
The certificate recognizes the holistic climate strategy, the foundations of which were laid by TEXAID as early as 2013 with the introduction of CO2 management. Compared with 2013, total emissions have already been reduced by a noteworthy 22 percent.
An industry-spanning award
A total of 19 companies throughout Switzerland were awarded the label at this year’s Soirée Climatique. The extent to which the Swiss Climate Label is an industry-spanning award is reflected in the variety of certified companies: Label holders include Coca-Cola Switzerland, Lidl Switzerland and the Basler Kantonalbank, along with Raiffeisen Mischabel-Matterhorn.
For more information about the award, visit: www.swissclimate.ch