8th award with the Gold Label from Swiss Climate
This is the eighth time that TEXAID has been awarded the Gold Label by Swiss Climate for an environmentally friendly corporate culture. With the support of Swiss Climate, a consultancy firm for CO2 management, sustainability and energy, TEXAID has set itself the goal of continuously reducing CO2 emissions.
29 percent less CO2
Compared to 2013, the first year of assessment, CO2 emissions were able to be reduced by 29 percent for each tonne of used clothing collected in the financial year 2020. This result was achieved, among other things, through the targeted reduction of consumables, purchasing electricity 100% from hydropower in Uri and a marked increase in efficiency in the collection logistics. In 2013, TEXAID collection vehicles had to travel 8.7 kilometres to collect 100 kilograms of used clothing. In 2021, with the data as of October 2021, there were 3.4 kilometres less. This results in a saving of around 1 million kilometres of mileage per year. The coronavirus pandemic also had an impact on CO2 emissions. For example, business travel and electricity consumption were reduced. TEXAID offsets the remaining CO2 emissions by investing in Swiss Climate’s “renewable energy from sawdust in Bulgaria” project.
Transport is still the biggest CO2 driver
Even though a significant increase in efficiency has already been achieved in collection logistics, TEXAID still considers transport to be the largest source of CO2 emissions. For this reason, TEXAID has decided to invest more in alternative drive systems in the new year. One electric vehicle is currently in use to collect used clothing. Because TEXAID has already had very good experience with this, it is planned to equip the vehicle fleet with more electric vehicles in 2022.