

Since the beginning of November 2020, TEXAID, in cooperation with Odlo, has been offering an in-store used textile collection in around 30 shops in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Customers can hand in their used sportswear in the Take Back boxes, which are prominently displayed in the shops, and receive a 10% discount on Odlo products.

Take Back programme
With the Take Back programme, Odlo pursues the goal of taking responsibility for its textiles beyond the end of their life. In this way, Odlo is taking a first step towards a circular economy of post-consumer products and is also raising consumer awareness for a more sustainable textile industry. TEXAID offers Europe-wide in-store collections and takes care of the ecological recycling of used textiles.

Reuse before recycling
Clothes that are still wearable are reused as second-hand clothes. Since no new textiles have to be produced for this purpose, resources, chemicals and energy can be saved. Textiles that are no longer wearable or damaged will be recycled. These materials find a second use as cleaning cloths or as insulation materials in industry. Textiles that cannot be reused or recycled will be thermally recovered.

Further information on the in-store collection can be found on the Odlo website.

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