TEXAID supports the implementation of the EU textile strategy
As a leading provider of circular services in the fashion and textile industry, TEXAID is active in various international and regional associations. TEXAID believes that dialogue with political decision-makers is essential in order to promote legal and environmental issues relating to used textiles and to contribute to ecological and social improvements in the industry.
Intensive work is currently underway at EU level to implement the Green Deal in the EU textile strategy. The overall aim of this strategy is to promote sustainable production methods, increase recycling rates and reduce textile waste. TEXAID is actively involved in the finalisation of the regulations and shares its expertise in various committees and initiatives - including EURIC (European Recycling Industries' Confederation), BIR (Bureau of international Recycling), the Community for a Textile Future (Gemeinschaft für textile Zukunft) and Swiss Textiles.
"Our vision is to strengthen the textile cycle and thus make a substantial contribution to conserving limited resources. What the industry now needs is planning certainty in order to make investments that allow existing processes and technologies to be scaled up. What is already possible on a small scale must be able to be rolled out on a large scale. That's why it's up to politicians to set the framework with practicable and well thought-out regulations,’ emphasises Martin Böschen, CEO of TEXAID.
The used textiles industry in the European Union is currently in a deep crisis and urgently needs financial security in order to survive in the long term. Effective sorting is essential for the subsequent steps in the cycle. Rapid implementation of EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) systems in combination with other measures can be effective and stabilise the industry in the long term.
TEXAID is therefore not only involved in the development of these regulations, but also in checking their practical feasibility. Through its involvement in various trade associations, TEXAID contributes its extensive expertise in order to develop practical solutions. The aim is to strengthen textile cycles and make the industry fit for the future.