Since 1967, the PluSport Nidwalden association has been working with people with disabilities caused by illness, accidents or birth defects. It aims to provide appropriate sporting activities for children, young people and adults, taking their disability-specific requirements and circumstances into account.
TEXAID and PluSport Nidwalden
In the Nidwalden region, various TEXAID used-clothing containers collect second-hand clothes, the proceeds of which go towards PluSport Nidwalden. Through the sale of second-hand clothes, TEXAID generates funds which go to its six participating aid agencies, as well as to numerous regional organisations. These include the PluSport Nidwalden association, which works with people with disabilities. The association promotes integration into everyday life through appropriate sporting activities. It relies on numerous volunteers to ensure that these activities can go ahead. The money raised by TEXAID goes towards infrastructure and the training of volunteers, amongst other things.
Working with people with disabilities
The association selects sporting activities on the basis of the respective disability-specific requirements and circumstances of the people whom they are seeking to help. PluSport Nidwalden’s range of activities includes swimming and aqua aerobics, group walks, mini-golf and various sporting events. Sport improves mobility, increases self-confidence and fosters greater independence. This can facilitate integration into everyday life and lead to greater social acceptance. Numerous volunteers lend their assistance free of charge and put their all into helping the members of the association. Along with the technical management team, there are 16 specially trained leaders and assistants.
You can find out more about PluSport Nidwalden here.
April 2018