Sustainability Report 2017
EDITORIAL Since its founding as a charity-private-partnership in 1978, TEXAID has combined economic activity with social engagement and an environmental responsibility. We are proud to present our first TEXAID sus- tainability report and to provide insight into our work. The measures we take and the milestones we achieved so far, has us on our way to continuously improve as a socially and environmentally respon- sible organization. The global fashion industry is currently becoming more and more aware of the ecologi- cal and social aspects of its activities. As an increasing number of consumers demanding sustainable products, companies find themselves under growing pressure to implement transparent and sustainable processes and value chains. To further advance this develop- ment, politics and economy, society must work closely together. As a leading textile recycling company, it is our responsibility towards our employees, cus- tomers, partners and society to continuously improve and optimize our activities regar- ding their social and environmental impact. For TEXAID, economic activity and social res- ponsibility are inseparable. We strongly believe that companies must commit and engage socially. The protection of the environment and the development of their employees is key to be successful in the long run. These are the dimensions we act upon to ensure the progress of TEXAID. This report reflects on our activities, objectives and achievements to improve and to strengthen the foundation for our continued success. It is therefore an important part of our overall strategy. The re- port is based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and targeted towards our internal and external stakeholders as well as towards the public. Please consider it as invitation to further dis- cussion. Enjoy reading! Martin Böschen TEXAID CEO 4